Ensuring safe, transparent and mutually beneficial collaboration with China at analytical research infrastructures
Directorate's Office
Ensuring safe, transparent and mutually beneficial collaboration with China at analytical research infrastructures
Funding Agency:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Partner institutions:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Project team:
Marcus Conlé (Coordinator)
Frank Lehner
Martin Sandhop
Askan Weidemann
Jost Wolff
Margot Schüller (GIGA)
Götz Neuneck (IFSH)
Hong He (Helmholtz Peking Bureau)
Project duration:
1 September 2021 - 29 February 2024
In just a few decades, China has become one of the leading nations in science and innovation. Gaining access to the country’s newly built and unique analytical research infrastructure facilities is of great interest to foreign scientists. Concurrently, China is signaling interest in international collaborations and joint research facility construction. For Germany, China is an important partner in its strategy to internationalize education, science and research. However, deepening cooperation faces major challenges in four areas: reciprocity and mutual access to research infrastructures and research data, research integrity, IP rights and technology transfer, and dual use.
Research aims
The aim of WIKOOP-INFRA is to develop empirically grounded guidelines that will assist scientific actors from Germany and the EU in recognizing and pursuing opportunities for mutually beneficial, peaceful science collaboration with China.
Research methods
The project analyzes the current state of science cooperation with China by identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as best practices. For this purpose, the WIKOOP team will organize joint workshops together with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on relevant topics. Moreover, the team will conduct expert interviews with scientists and science administrators in Germany and the EU. The interviews will be supplemented by an analysis of Chinese science policy documents.
The project contributes to the promotion of Sino-German science cooperation by increasing “China competence”, reducing uncertainties and knowledge asymmetries, and developing solutions for problems in the realization of mutually beneficial cooperation. An essential aspect of the project is the strengthening of knowledge exchange between Helmholtz and CAS on matters relevant to science cooperation.
Time frame
WIKOOP-INFRA has commenced on September 1, 2021 and is scheduled to run for two years. Important milestones are the workshops and discussion rounds planned for summer 2022, early 2023 and summer 2023.
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