| Directorate's Office


Research Security in International cooperations at DESY

Directorate's Office

Research Security in International cooperations at DESY

Funding Agency:

Helmholtz, IVF-Project


Project team:

Jana Wolfram (Coordinator)
Martin Sandhop
Frank Lehner
Jannis Lehner


Project duration:

1.10.2022 - 30.9.2025



Jana Wolfram

With this project, we want to establish and consolidate structures and processes at DESY that will ensure that both the research areas and the administrative side of the laboratory can design and implement collaborations in the international environment with even greater confidence and responsibility.

RESIDE offers a coherent framework for action security in all phases of the cooperation process in the central fields of action of cooperation management, monitoring of international developments, training and sensitization measures for researchers, and finally in special dialog and coordination formats with international partners.

Complementary networking and coordination activities round out the planned implementation measures.

The focus countries for RESIDE are the USA and China. Russia has been eliminated as the third focal country following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.